i can't believe mike stole my ambien. i can't wait until next week when i get to order more. then maybe i can get some damn uninterrupted sleep. i keep waking up every hour or forty minutes and craving a smoke. so i go out and have a cigarette and go back to bed. sleep for forty minutes and so it goes. i slept through Dr. Who tonight. and doc won't tell me anything about it because he doesn't want to ruin it, but i don't know when it will be rerun.
i've been tweeting a lot. it is getting easier to sum up my thoughts in short sentences. i'm following a lot of people and i love reading it, but the people following me are mostly stores and companies and deadbeat accounts. i've started getting more feedback from them being posted on facebook at the same time. who would have thought i would have come up with a use for facebook.