Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

maybe rain today

it won't affect my plans, but there may be rain today. that's pretty cool. it's humid out, but the cloud cover is keeping the heat down. and the sound of the incoming planes is echoing off the clouds, neat. rumble rumble.

we're invited to a fourth of july party tonight. i'm nervous about going, but it's really time i get out into society again. and brooks, who is hosting the party, knows all about social anxiety, so he won't take that excuse from me. i can hear his new york accent now, "but you're with friends here, come on cydniey."

i wonder if my ivy flowers will open without the direct morning sunlight.

if you sit in just the right place on the patio, facing the sliding glass door, it looks like the house melts into a shady grove right at the hallway. it's a reflection of the back yard, of course, but it has launched many a fantasy in me while i sit and smoke my cigarette out there. a house that is a gateway to an enchanted forest. yummy.

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