Rattle and Hum is on, and there's no way i'm missing any of it. my dad actually pulled me out of school to go see the mid day premier of this when it hit theaters. i am awash in U2 tinged high school memories. and those are the good ones. U2 got me through high school. i'd get home and shut myself in my room and listen to U2 until the day faded and i had the strength to deal with the evening with my family.
i was watching some channel tonight that's doing a special on Gene Roddenbery (i butchered the spelling on that last name, but you get my meaning). and at some point they mention how star trek touched people. TNG was certainly pivotal with me. it turned me from a hard core idealist to a confirmed cynic. i loved that show, but that's what it did to/for me.
late night commercials suck. unless you have no hair or nothing better to do on the internet.