Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

i'm so glad the sun is setting

i thought i would hate the shorter days, but it turns out that i love it.

i took two shots of nyquil last night and slept wonderfully. it made me high at first, and then just knocked me out. i don't even remember when i lay down. i remember waking up for a bit after doc got home and getting up at 4 and having a smoke. but that's about it. i don't even remember M leaving this morning. nice to sleep so soundly. why is it OTC stuff can put me to sleep but my doctor can't find a sleeping pill that works on me?

oh, i remember what i did at 4. i went out and wandered around until felix heard me and followed me home. i really hate when he gets out. it isn't as often as it was before freddie came in.

freddie is doing well. the fur on her belly has almost fully grown back. she seems to get fatter and bigger by the day. but her head is still small. i'm always surprised at how small her head is and how frail her neck is when i pet her. when i get up in the morning, as i'm sitting here reassimilating, she will jump up in my lap and fuzzle my face. such a cool way to start things.

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