Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

cold morning

i went to bed at midnight, got up at 4 again. finally broke down and took my meds around 7. my shrink wants me to go to the hospital. i don't want to go and will do anything i can not to. i think i can wait it out another month until i see him. if not, the hospital is always a last ditch option.

i have to vacuum today, yee haw. that should take me 20 minutes. wait, i'll pull all the furniture out and vacuum under and behind it and stretch the chore into a challenging hour instead.

i want to put the xmas tree up, but chloe's shrine is in the place where the tree would go, and i don't know how to broach that subject with doc. maybe no tree this year. maybe i'll just put some LED lights over the giant Pooh doll at the back of the shrine. how hard do you think it would be for me to find a crucifix with a cat nailed up instead of jesus? i think it would add to chloe's shrine. with the religious candles and such, it would fit right in. i bet that's not a stock item anywhere.

i knew Herman Cain would fall, but i had no idea it would be so spectacularly. unlike most washington scandals, this one gets more interesting by the day. i don't expect to hear anything today, he has no public appearances today. but that's a whole day for the sources to do whatever it is they're doing to do without the press. i'd have a lot more respect for him if he'd just come out and tell what happened and let it be done. he's making the same mistake that Anthony Weiner made. except Weiner never lost his cool in public, like Cain did yesterday.

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