Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

91 and dry as sand

i woke up on the couch at five something and stayed up until 7 watching the sunrise. around 6 i took my meds, so by 7 i was nearly unconscious. so i went to bed until 1. i woke up because the window was open and it had gotten warm out, so it was hot in the bedroom.

i was checking out our apartment complex on google earth and i could see the old scooter tied up. creepy.

i had a cheese burger for lunch, so i don't want to hear anything about my eating for the rest of the day. doc's been checking up on my food consumption and the whole thing is getting old. no more fights over it, but i've eaten a lot this week and i'm not comfortable with it. i can feel myself getting fatter. i hate it.

i can't believe it's almost five. days go fast when one sleeps until one.

felix curled up with me again when i woke up. he was sleeping in his spot on the edge of the bed, but when i rolled over, he cuddled up with me and let me hold him like a teddy bear. i love him for that. i've never had a cat that likes to get so close up to me and doesn't mind my fidgeting. he's the most patient, loving cat i've ever had. i'm glad he's only 3 so he'll be around for a long while.

i have to take him to the vet to get a lukemia test and vaccination. he also needs his other shots, i don't know that he's ever had them. i plan to keep up with his health, i'm not losing this cat. i'm not taking any chances with him because he's partially an outdoor cat and plays with strays and ferals.

speaking of ferals, we still haven't trapped fred. before we do, i need to learn to ride the scooter, so when we catch him/her, we can go straight to the vet to get it taken care of. spayed or neutered, shots, lukemia test and vaccination and whatever else is needed to make it healthy. so if i can't adopt it, i can release it knowing that it won't make any more babies and will be healthy.

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