Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

chilly, small cold front

i broke down in front of doc yesterday. just started weeping as i told him i wasn't dealing with chloe well and it was stressing me out and i was having a really hard time with it. he was soothing and understanding. i felt better after i let it all out. i've started holding everything inside and gotten into the habit of not bugging him with it. but as he gently reminded me, i need to tell him these things so he knows where i'm at.

i'm having a good morning. doc was up watching the american version of Being Human on syfy on demand. i love that show from the UK and the american version of it doesn't suck. we watched it together and talked about it and kept things light. he started asking me questions about the cats and then asked if it was too early in my wake up to be asking me things. i said yes and he told me to have a cup of coffee, which i did. now i just want to sleep more. but not to avoid anything, i just want to sleep. the only reason i got up was because doc was still up.

chloe was out of her kennel and sitting on the back of the couch while doc was rolling his cigarettes for the day and she disappeared. when he went to look for her a moment later and she had gone back into her kennel, which was still on the bed next to me. now she's sleeping. we somehow overlooked her antibiotics in the bag of stuff they sent us home with. so she didn't get any for two days. what we thought was antibiotic, that we are mixing in with her food, is actually kidney health supplement. she's been getting her antibiotic regularly now. she chewed me up but good last night when i pilled her. now i've found my pill giving mechanism so i don't get chewed up again. she may have lost some teeth, but she's adept with the ones she still has.

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