last night was yelling night. i pissed doc off from the time he woke up until i went to bed. i wasn't trying to, i just couldn't do anything right in his eyes. he told me the other night i act like a beaten dog and that's how i feel. except he uses his words instead of physicality. i don't know what to do. i asked him if he had noticed i only speak when spoken to and he said yes, it sucked because i used to have ideas and conversation. we talk now, he just has to initiate it.
i don't know how i can stop it. he says i don't think. i do think, i just don't think like him. no one thinks like him and his thinking is incomprehensible to me. i have no idea how i can keep under his radar. all i want to do is stay out of trouble. i don't think that's too much to ask.