Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

thank you and stuff

thank you to my harry and david's angel for the cool box full o' munchies!

it's nine already and i plan to go to bed at midnight. i'm not even going to fight with late night tv. i watched butch cassidy and the sundance kid. good movie, never seen it before. they should have gone to australia first.

now i'm listening to the fifth element for the four hundred thousandth time. it makes me happy. i may light some incense and smoke another hand made cigarette. i've been chain smoking for the last five or so days. i don't know what got me off my schedule, i was doing so well. i guess i just started to get away with it.

kelli, your xmas cd is in the works. my cd is copyrighted, so i'm fetching all (or most) of the songs to make you a whole new ultimate compilation. heh, funny thing is i had a blank disk i thought was the finished disk all packed up and ready to mail to you. that would have been a pisser.

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