Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

and so i was wrong

yesterday was a long day. intermittent consciousness broken up by long periods of fitful sleep makes for a long, incoherent day. i woke up for real at 2:30 this afternoon convinced it was saturday.

i went for a walk and got smokes and powerade. still pushing fluids and dayquil. i have a monster headache right now that i'm waiting for tylenol to knock out.

i tore my room apart yesterday looking for those lighters. and i didn't put it back together. i have to do that after doc gets up. i also really need to clean the litter box. argh.

that's all i have. i'm still sick and now quite delirious. maybe i'll go do the litterbox and then take a nice hot bath to get rid of these chills. sounds good.

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