yesterday i did all but clean the kitchen. doc was still awake and i told him all i'd done and asked, breaking into inexplicable tears, if i could lay down. when i woke up, he was already up for the night. we had an uneventful night. we argued over what i ended up eating, tomato soup (ick!) with mandarin oranges for dessert. then the coffee maker broke. that was something he could have replaced last night, but i guess he didn't feel up to it. with the sick in the house, the last three days was uneventful. it was mainly me whining because i ached so badly. he took good care of me, even the argument over food was all about my best interest. i just didn't want to eat tomato soup.
i don't know why i started crying at him yesterday. i guess i was just feeling that badly. i came in and lay down on the couch and went almost immediately to sleep and stayed that way until 6. i got plenty of rest, though i didn't do fluids that much since i was up late at night and i don't drink much after 11pm because my sleeping medication doesn't allow me to wake up when i get that urge.
felix is now in my lap with no consideration for the laptop or me typing on it. he just laid down on my arm. he's such a lovey kitty. i love him to smooshies.