Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

felix is home

he and M found each other yesterday evening. felix was filthy. and hungry and thirsty. hopefully that will be the last time he jumps off the balcony for a while. him running away yesterday was just bad timing.

my neck is sunburned with a nice white line where my necklace hangs. i keep forgetting the sunscreen. i wish i had an umbrella. when you live in a place where it less than rarely rains, you just don't think about needing an umbrella. i saw some girls out with them yesterday.

it's supposed to be only 85 degrees some day this week, i should go to the dollar store that day, kelli sent me a gift card. bright shiny things.

speaking of kelli, i may call her. maybe not, i talked to her yesterday. i try not to call her every day, but i long for human contact. i can't really talk to M or doc.

have a great afternoon!

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