Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

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today has been an emotional roller coaster, actually, the past three days have. but today was the worst. the upside? it ended on the up side. i didn't get to go out to dinner like i was supposed to, but that is small compared to the things i was facing. like taking the bus on friday . . . alone . . . to the doctor. but i was able to get it in today and get a ride from M. now he's out for the night and i can watch NCIS. i may also take a short nap on the couch, loveseat, whatever. perfect to curl up on. even felix has found a way to fit up there when i'm layinig down. it's a big lovelseat.

i clipped felix's nails, but it hasn't stopped him climbing up the friggin' wall. and now with his claws clipped, i'm doubly scared for him because i fear he may overestimate what he can do. the only alternative is telling the apartment complex about the pigeons which are causing all of this, but they will just kill the pigeons. and there's a lot of pigeons to poison and that's a lot of bird bodies laying around. not for long, granted, but long enough to make an impression. i just wish felix would give up and stay off the wall. he completely ignores the hamster, who chews on the bars of her cage to get his attention, as he lays on the cabinet where her cage is. but the winged free things he climbs walls for.

i am looking for my beading mojo. i talked to A and she hasn't beaded in forever either. i don't know what it was about the bead show we went to. but neither of us has done anything substantial since. the most i've done is organize them. it took time, but wasn't the least bit creative. i haven't worked on my goddess dolls, or etsy stuff i've already made. that's just taking photographs and posting the listing. what the fuck do i do all day, is my life this empty and meaningless? what can i do to change it? rarr.
Tags: felix

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