Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

lord don't make me regret this

i have a friend who's upset at another friend of mine for posting a private email by him, the first him, you following me? so there is a compunction to ask the one about the other and maybe make everyone feel better.

or, more likely, get dragged into someone else's drama or cause bad feelings for interjecting myself in someone else's personal life, when i'm not a part of that personal life. i'm just a long time friend. not an intimate one. so there is a compunction to leave it alone.

or, more likely, have it be a thing that festers in the friendship of the first mentioned friend and defects it forever, and i hate losing friends. that's why i don't want to get involved.

so could everyone who's posted a private email not do that so much anymore?

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