i had an unexplained crying jag yesterday. my emotions are not all killed off by the medication, much closer to the surface. a simple unpleasant exchange with doc will make me cry now, whereas before it would just make me ignore him. this way is better. i'd rather shed a few tears than shut him out.
i have to vacuum while he's out today. cat fur is even starting to bug me. i was stuffy all day yesterday, and i'm not an allergy prone person. i plan to move some furniture out from the wall and clean behind it. it's been too long since i did that. that will cut down on stored fur and dander a lot. plus it will help to generally clean and organize the living room.
there is nothing going on in my life to write about, just cat happenings, really. i don't do much and we all know i don't get out much. so cat stories and tales of housecleaning it is. maybe i should try to communicate online more, just to get some human contact. but aside from the few friends i've had online for years, namely many of you, i really don't trust anyone else to be real. and i hate not real. i've been sucked in by people's online fake personas before and been burned. it sucked. so i sit here, isolating. i miss warped's irc area. the people there were cool.