Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

"the language is leaving me"

what the fuck. i don't know what day it is again. i wake up and don't know where i am. i get up and then fall down. i am at the mercy of these medications. and all i can do is bitch about it.

gods is it bright in this room.

taken care of. blinds closed, coffee, water and my music DVD playing in the drive.

this holiday should be over by now. and i don't even have obligations. doc fights me at every turn. like it's my fault it's bloody xmas. and i'd just as soon give it up.

i've tried to xmas it up. but no cookie baking and the general malais of doc makes it hard. i want to have a temper tantrum and put the tree away and wipe away every xmas thing and consider the 25th just another work holiday.

and another uplifting post by me. i'm tired of being the cheerful one. doc can just revel in his misery. and if he doesn't pick out an xmas present or two then we won't even have that little thing to do. i'm not wrapping my gifts until i know he's gotten something for himself.

did i mention i fucking hate the holidays? even with no family around to drive me nuts, i still hate the holiday.

Annie Lennox - No More "I Love Yous"

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