Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

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"i'm your worn in leather jacket"

uneventful weekend. trips out to get a slurpee and go to walmart and the dollar store. i got my xmas present from doc, he didn't know what to pick out and i wanted something useful. so i got myself a black tshirt with a skull and some scrollwork. all i have to do is wrap it. i also have a bag of moose crunch that i plan to wrap and put it under the tree. i like getting presents, even if a month prior i bought or recieved what is now wrapped.

did i ever thank the Harry and David's fairy for sending me a box of fresh fruit and snacky things? well, thank you. i got it just out of the hospital and i don't think i mentioned it. big thanks for that.

maybe next month i'll be able to get the set of things for the laptop. i have a while to back up my email. i also want a flash drive. or a bigger router so all the computers can be networked together when need be.

Social Distortion - Don't Take Me for Granted
Tags: xmas

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