Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

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"and sometimes i get nervous when i see an open door"

while i was at Barnes and Noble the other day, i not only got a journal, i researched some books i wanted. i wrote the price down and came home and compared them to and saw i could get all three and save $12, which is almost a book in itself. while i was out, i also got a pencil case made out of koolaid packets. i've always wanted to make them, but my sewing machine is out of service, so i bought one, thinking it was three dollars. i got home and saw it was one dollar. so today i want to go back and get some more. they will wear out.

i've been searching for songs and i can't seem to find them. one of them is the one i quoted here, the other is elvis costello singing "beautiful". the best version of that song i've heard and i can't find it. i think the killers song hasn't officially dropped yet, they just did it on SNL. i had no trouble finding pink's "so what" and i can't wait to hear the rest of the record, i'm up for a good divorce record.

through a snafu with the drug company, i did two days without geodon last week, which went pretty smoothly. and i'm coming up on a day at least of no seroquel. even though they have our credit card on file, they have to verify it each time we order and i don't answer the phone. to me this is a (wait for it) fundamental (ack there's that word again! drink!) problem with the drug company.

i think i'll go turn on the news and see what happened with the dow this afternoon while i slept.

The Killers - Are We Human
Tags: books, music, prescription rape

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