then we came home and watched old movies and then took a nap at three. i got up at 6:30 and doc was steam cleaning the carpet by the doorway. i watched the history channel until 9 and then went to bed.
once again i had to make myself take my medication. and it was only after threats to myself about how bad things get quickly when i don't take my meds. i don't know what the deal is with this. i know i'm sad much of the day. not depressed, really, just sad. and i don't know why.
doc said i could use his room to store the stuff in here that is in my way. i think i'll take him up on that today. if i could get some of the stored stuff out of here, i could actually work in this room again. most of it is just mailing boxes i need to keep for future ebay sales. then there's the pile of filing which can go in his room, since it is waiting for him to go through. looking around, i could move a lot of stuff out of here. i think i'll go do that. then i can work on projects during the day in small spurts while i'm working on the book. that way i won't get burned out on the book so soon each day.