Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

i had to walk up to the post office to mail a book to alisa this morning. while i was out, since it was so hard to get out, i decided to walk the extra quarter mile to the store and pick up coffee supplies. i got a pound of hazelnut cream coffee, three dollars off per pound. then to the cooler to get hazelnut creamer and down the baking isle to get sugar, damn that stuff is expensive. i had taken my big blue refillable cup with me and stopped at my favorite corner store for the best fountain soda in walking distance. carrying that home is like carrying a weight, i had to trade off hands. maybe it's time to get my handweights out and use them. i need muscular arms. i don't know why, i just do.

i have three pink CDs and i can't find the right one. i've lost "i'm not dead".

i hear that courtney love has recently released a new CD. i need to go to her site and check it out. in my free time, hee.

i need to burn some incense.

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