Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

  • Music:

what's the deal with Big Country?

in 1982ish i was hospitalized for the first time in a psychiatric facility. i was in there for three months. the last month i had the use of my walkman and the only tape i had was Big Country's "The Crossing". it soothed me and helped keep me sane enough to get out of there.

then, when i was discharged, my parents took me and my siblings down to Palm Springs to take the tram up to the mountain and hike it. what i remember of the trip was hiking back out of the place alone in front of my family, with my walkman and Big Country.

i sat on a log to rest and a scraggly looking wolf approached me. he didn't get too close and i didn't move, we just stared at each other as "Porrohman" played in my ears. the wolf walked off, and i got up and finished my trek.

it was unspeakably beautiful up on that mountain and while i was enthralled with the music i would pretend to be walking the Scottish countryside.

after three months in a private hospital, to be out in the complete wilderness was joy i haven't experienced since.

so that's the deal with Bid Country.
Tags: 1984, big country, hospital

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