i wrapped white tube lights around the balcony rail. then kelli hung a strand of icicle lights over the whole porch, not just at the opening. then she hung paper snowflakes she cut to the dangly parts of the lights. it's pretty. it's also bright. i haven't gone down at night to see what it looks like from the parking lot. i need to do that tonight.
we had some pretty devastating financial news and are finally ready to comitt to bankruptcy. so that is in the works.
my social security card should be here any day. so should the title to the car. then a trip to the DMV for a state ID and a permit to move the car and we're out of that mess. and i'm pretty sure we have the money for it all ready to go.
i sold nothing on ebay this season. i didn't advertise at all, because of the whole paypal issues i was having with my account. so i'm not disappointed or surprised at all.
did i mention yet that we got a christmas dinner package from omaha steaks from my inlaws? well, we did. amazing. we sent his mum a picture of him in a nice frame, in fact in my favorite frame. and we sent his dad a box of sugar free cherry cordials. his favorite candy that he can't have the regular version of for health reasons. i finally found them at Swiss Colony.
and kelli ordered us a box of "tiny cakes" that i love so much. petit fours are amazing from Swiss Colony. they are the only company i love them from. no one else does them so well.
jack is back to 150%. back to his demonic little self. we've started taking measures to keep him out of things that may make him sick. it was found that he had been drinking soapy water. i don't know if that is what caused him to be ill, but he's over it now and back on the dry food. though i have been spoiling the cats by putting out wet food every day. and they still eat the dry food, so i see no downside to the variety. even chloe likes the wet food every so often. and she doesn't eat tuna or people food, she has never really deviated from her dry food menu until lately.
the coffee i'm swilling has me hyper, so i think i'll go find something to do now.