Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

i have only the slightest memory of what i rambled/wrote this morning. and frankly i'm afraid to go back and look. so i'm not going to.

the thing about having gingerbread cookies, chocolate rice krispy treats, and chocolate peanut butter chip cookies (with the perfected recipe) is that i can't decide what to eat when i want a snacky thing.

doc and i have to clean my room. stuff is so piled up . . . it's our room now, but i still feel like it's mine. the decorations reflect me entirely. but i have clothes and he has boxes of stuff piled up that need to be gone through and taken to storage.

i need to find out if i can use a rental car to take my drivers test. that is going to be interesting. i'm also nervous as all hell about the written test, considering my memory. most of it is common sense stuff.

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