i'm making a CD of my favorite MP3s. usually i just throw on whatever is there. this time i went through all my music files and picked my favorites.
coffee and cigarettes in the morning are a sure way to a happy day.
i can talk about henry now. conversationally, i mean. i can mention him when talking about the cats without being sad. either i have a firmer grip on reality or my delusions are working over time. i'll go with the first. i feel like i have a firmer grip on reality.
cymbalta is a wonder drug for me. it does what the lamictal did, without the side effects. my feet are firmly planted in reality and my emotions are in check. not gone, i don't want to lose my emotions. i just want better control over them, like i have now.
and i'm overall, happier than i have been in a long time. i'm just more contented to let life flow around me.
fresh coffee and cigarettes, i love them.