Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

we got a sympathy/condolence card in the mail from the vet. it was hand written and beautiful. it said "at least we know we did all we could". it started a new round of crying. we will keep this vet. i adore him.

we just signed a lease renewal. so much was different. we have to pay each month for the cats now. that was an unpleasant reality. doc said on his way to the car, "okay, i'm ready to not live here anymore". we really need to find a new place to live. in a few months we can start looking for an alternate habitat.

meanwhile i get a free carpet cleaning. i have to figure out what i'm going to do with the furniture and have the living room and kelli's room done. i just have to let the office know about it a couple days in advance. once i figure out the furniture thing, i'll schedule it. it will be nice to have clean carpet in the living room. it was fried when we got here and we haven't done much for it. we've been here for five years. wear and tear, you know.

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