Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

my art plot

a new site, an artist's portal and community. i encourage all the artists i know to join up, it seems like a very cool place to be. i don't have tons of time to devote to it, but i will be trying. i love new art communities. each one is a chance to meet other artists and possibly collaborate with them.

i'm sure i wasn't the only one who got an invite to join. they make it seem personal and exclusive, but to look at it, it isn't exclusive at all. it is rather inclusive.

i need more tea and my toothache to mellow out before i write more in any sort of coherent manner. later. yes. later.


later, after not being able to post . . .

the cat is fed and medicated for the night. all he has to do is continue to use his newly placed litterbox like a good kitty.

i'm freshly showered. that is rare. i wash the smelly bits daily, but showers freak me out. but i got up and took one in the middle of our farscape festival. season 3 is finally mine on DVD. season 4 will be in a couple of days. i'm not so sure about one and two, we'll see.

what are some good horror movies from the past ten years? we don't have a very big list on netflix and if he can't figure out what he wants, i will just experiment with horror movies. once we are back in a stable money situation, i want to upgrade to two DVDs at a time so i can get movies and their sequels. like tomb raider, resident evil, saw, funny girl. the suggestions we get from netflix based on our list is completely schizophrenic.

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