Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

a clear sign

a clear sign that kam316 is almost here: i just took down all of her paintings that were for sale on ebay. at her request. she's not bringing them out here and desired that i end this phase of her artwork sales. this means she will be here soon. i'm giddy.

henry had a rough medication time. he has learned to clamp his jaw shut, and we can't hold him by the nape of the neck because of the feeding tube. the pill gun should get here today and that will make things so much easier on all of us. especially henry. the better he gets, the rougher the fights are going to be to get the pills in him.

he's also started burping and drooling and licking (signs of vomiting) as soon as he is picked up and moved. so i have to feed him wherever he has chosen to sleep. i hope he gets over all of this as he gets better. i hope his appetite comes back soon.
Tags: henry

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