Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

i couldn't post yesterday, i didn't want to get near the computer, we just sat and waited for the phone to ring.

henry is on IV fluids and will be at least until monday. he is also being force fed. once he is off the IV we can bring him home and continue treatment.

the one positive thing he said was that henry was fighting the feedings. this means he's got some fight in him, which he didn't have when we first brought him in.

doc is going to see if he can go visit henry today.

back when we stillhad our dog, darwin, he would go visit her and help to feed her every day when she was sick (ate a bunch of ibuprophen). he misses his boy.

the cats have figured out henry is gone and have changed their behavior, being much more attentive to us and cuddly. jack is in trying to wake doc up as i type this.

this is going to be much more expensive than we thought. with them keeping him this long. but i'm not going to worry about the money. i'm way more concerned with my little bubby wubster being alone and scared and having to get better under that stress.

we're looking for a miracle. we're looking for him to make a fast recovery so he can be taken off the IV and come home with us. the vet didn't sound overly optimistic, so i'm lighting candles and saying prayers like a madwoman.
Tags: henry

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