Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

on the day and the plans

henry ate. he is not using the litterbox (or anyplace else), that i have been able to discern. so tomorrow i will search for a vet. then i'll see what our finances are like. then i will call said vet and make sure payment can be arranged. then we'll put him in the cat carrier and take a cab to the vet. we can't take him on the bus, and the way he stresses out, we need to make the trip short.

i'm not stressed out about this. i guess i've turned off. it's easier to do since the ECT. i can shut off my feelings. it takes some effort, but it can be done. and that is where i am with henry. i'm all about the practical side of it and what needs to be done. i'm not thinking about what the results could be, i'm very in this moment and what i can do right now. and i'm doing all i can right now for him.

the money part of it, why stress about that? we will do what we have to. i'll put off the dentist for a few more weeks. nothing to freak out about. money comes in and goes out and it will be spent on something we need. i'm pretty content about it.

the one thing i can do and am not doing is promote my ebay sales and try to generate more. i'll work on that tomorrow.

we're starting a "get ready for kam316" party of two this week. working on clearing out what will be her bedroom and putting things away. doc is taking some vacation time this week. i have to find some way to get to the storage place. that is my part of things. we need to go once and replace the lock and see what is in there. then we need to go again with some boxes to store in there. this is one time i wish we had a liscense between us so we could use the car. at least one of those trips can be by bus. plus there will be the "henry to the vet" cab ride.

yep, i need to start making lists. so far i depend on the ramblings in here to list stuff.

oh yeah, and we have a warranty for the DVD player that covers what is wrong with it. so i have to find a sony certified repair place and work out how to get the player there.

i am the transportation and pet care minister here in this little clan. okay. i can handle that.

i also cleaned and vacuumed today. i did all of my chores in record time and then took a nap. now i'm waiting on henry to go out to use the box. so far all i have is jack up my nose to get at the canned food henry is being fed. precocious jack.
Tags: henry, ramble

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