Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

  • Music:
i've had a healthy breakfast of mini wheats and seen doc off to work. go me. now i want to go to sleep. hee.

i won't, though. i'll post my podcast for the day (an audio blog, yay! just as boring as this blog thing) and find other things to do. i can clean the leftover litter from doc's bathroom floor. that stuff gets everywhere. it's like the cats have litter fights.

the 6 foot table is drying. doc says he'll take a wire brush to the mold when the table is dry and then we can set it up in here. this means much more floor space for me in my workroom. if i can't have table space, i'll take floor space.

audio blog 1 is up. it's short. i have to think through the audio blog part of podcasting. i don't know if i should write it down first or if i should just talk. this is just talk. and having just listened to it, it isn't half bad. i need to not laugh into the mic, but there aren't as many "uhs" or "ums" as i thought there would be. cool. i need to up the volume in the next ones, though, i cut it too much. oops.

yeah, there has to be something i can vacuum or clean. there is always something to clean here. one day it won't be like that.

i wonder what in my room is so daunting that i won't clean it. i should investigate that today.

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