Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

some time ago

i wrote a song. or the lyrics to a song. anyone wanna put it to music?

no, there was nothing left
when we stumbled out of the flames
and your eyes were ice
nothing could make you say my name
there was always one more
for the road, for the day, for the floor
so much of the 'cheers, boy'
and we were suddenly searching for the door

you got in me
and i got in you
and you started to itch
and i stood by and bitched
and then it all fell down
and your head was spinning around
so why are you laughing now?

no, there was no fucking way
that i would ever back down to you
there is no power now
so there is so little you could do
and you pour me one more
for the road, for the dead, for ourselves
so for hell's sake, 'cheers, boy'
and don't be stingy with the wealth

you got in me
and i got in you
and you started to itch
and i stood by and bitched
and then it all fell down
and the world is spinning around
so why are we laughing now?

you were such a dopey fuck
i don't think you ever grew up
do me a favor and shut the fuck up

maybe once i record it. and it will be a challenge to speak the rhymes and not sound all rhymie and stuff. i'm not sure how to put what i'm trying to say here . . . i can't.

there is a hole in the top of spot's cage. it has a little plug for it that screws in. but doc has taught her to climb up and escape from that hole when he makes noises at her. so that is today's cute spot moment.
Tags: poetry

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