Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers


i ventured out to get cigarettes. the good news is that i didn't get lost. it is, after all, a straight shot to the corner store. no, the problem i had was remembering which of the stores i was supposed to get the smokes at. there are two corner stores. then when i got into the first one, i got all disoriented because it didn't look like i thought it would. so i got the smokes and went over to the other store, mainly to see the layout and if i recognized it, which i did, but i didn't associate it with cigarettes. i did have the presence of mind to use the crosswalk . . . gods that was wretched. i got home and just shook.

i don't think the neurontin is working and i know that the xanax has about reached the tolerance point. i almost want to go back on klonopin and see if that works better.

it will be a while before i go out alone again.
Tags: head case

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