Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

we leave in a half an hour. the rain has stopped for the next couple of hours so our trip should be a dry one. i'm getting more zen about the bus and taking three hours to get ten minutes away and back. the bus rides are interesting and i've learned to take my discman with me since doc and i don't talk much on the bus and sometimes are separated completely.

the bus back will be full of high school students. that is always interesting.

R bought a truck last night for her trip out to florida. she's leaving in july. big truck, four speed, i can't wait to see her drive the beast. and her mechanic is coming to check it out and check out our car to give us a price quote. we won't be able to fix it right away because of the wage garnishment, but at least at the end of that doc will have his drivers liscense back. then we get the car fixed, then we get it registered, then insured, then we drive again. hee.

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