i also cleaned off my dresser and closed the drawers. big project. much dusting. and i still have a small pile of clothes that need to be hung up.
wait, i thought about it and i hate the kitchen. it has been in a state of nearly clean for weeks. i need to clean it. and for a treat i'll mop the floor with my new mop that isn't broken or dirty.
i think the neurontin is finally kicking in. less anxiety. no strange nagging fear for a few days. and i'm still getting things accomplished so i really can't complain about it at all. not even the huge size of the pills. i like that they are safety orange. i find that soothing now. i'm even remembering to take the midday dose. so that is all working out. i can honestly say that my meds work very well when i am able to take them and i never want to run out again. hee.