so once it is dark, we're going to push it into another parking space. oy.
the whole thing is silly. it scares me that i don't remember getting a duplicate birth certificate. what the hell else of importance have i forgotten completely? and can i ever dig myself out of the hole i am in because i haven't been paying attention? we haven't even approached the taxes issue. i've not filed in more years than i will say. i've paid my taxes, overpaid mostly . . . i just haven't filed. so that has to be dealt with once i am a person on paper again in this state. i also need to apply for state aid.
and to those who think i am somehow playing the system by being on disability, i will say this just once more and in writing so you can refer back to it: i didn't even apply for disability, the social worker at the hospital did it. i went to an interview, that is all. when it came time for renewal, i filled out some paperwork truthfully and went to another interview. everything else was medical documentation. i am not some scam artist who found a way to float through life. try hanging onto your pride as you tell someone you are on a fixed income and notice the look you get. if you can handle that, bully for you. i can't. i'm not on welfare, i'm not working under the table. the money i make from what i sell on ebay is negligeable. really. $20 on a good month. i'm not trying to cheat anyone. and the moment i am stable enough to work full time again and pick up my career as a chef again, you'd better bet i will.
i was on top of the culinary game when this thing in my head took everything. i will have to start again at the bottom, but i will and i will gladly because that is my passion.
and thus ends this rant. for those of you, who are many, to whom this does not apply, please go on and have a great day. for anyone who does think this, bite my white swedish ass. hee.