Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

prescribed medication and a shower later

i finally feel okay again. i think part of it was glee that R is home from work early. we'll hang out for a while and pass some time, which is still going so slowly.

i've taken the last of the garbage down and was able to fit my thin clothes in one big box, the back of the closet hanging up and two bags. down from three or four times that. i just saved the best of the stuff and the stuff i know i will always wear, no matter when i can fit into them again.


went for a nice ride. it looks like rain, but they say not until tomorrow.

it's so nice to be calm again. a little of talking to R and a lot of listening to her (the way i prefer it) and i feel much better now.

i've taken my last trip to the dumpster for real today.

now i'm just going to relax. maybe straighten the kitchen, i noticed a couple of pans in the sink earlier and i can set up coffee for later. that would be nice.

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