Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

i never ever thought i would say this

but happiness is a new broom and mop. really.

it's sad how my kitchen floor only gets so clean, but i know it is clean. no more cat hair gathering in the corners. joy.

today i also do the entry way and my bathroom floors. the entry way will soon be home to not only one of kam316's coolest paintings, but the cat food and water and a hanging bike. the painting is the first thing you see when you walk in. the bike will be behind the door when it is open. and the cat water will be off the carpet. there is method to my insane cleaning binges.

the gift of my dreams is a dyson. our vacuum is dying slowly and isn't up to the challenge anymore. i just replaced the $30 hepa filter with the stuff from one of our unused air filters for our vent. may not be hepa, but it will filter some if not all of the dust that may fly out. though now that i vacuum every other day, things aren't so bad.

and doc got a new filter setup for the shop vac and some hose accessories. that makes me happy no end, as well, though he's told me that he wants to do the installation so i have to wait until tuesday to use that. which is what led to the ingenuity with the filter on the vacuum. since i'm sweeping and dusting, i need to vacuum and i need to do it now.

i've come to realize lately how much time i spend obsessing about things that are out of my control. need to work on that.

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