Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

in all our bluster to get the couch here, we overlooked a really swank iron lamp with metal shade. lucky S stopped by and brought it round to see if i liked it. i love it. we left an iron work lamp back in PA that was doc's and treasured. this won't replace it, but it will fit his style and light things up. =}

S also helped me rid myself of the old couch. i took many trips to the dumpster with computer hulls and dead furniture and stuff. my living room is almost livable, and as soon as i have the energy, i'll move one of the two things in the living room that shouldn't be there. a crate of old records for book covers. the other item is a tv which is coming in here to be an alternate monitor so i can watch all of my stuff i have burned.

a good day. we're going for a record. hee.
Tags: dumpster diving

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