Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers


i love those dreams you don't want to wake up from. either they are just feel good dreams or they are really interesting and i want more time.

and sometimes after you wake up you can go back to sleep and 'catch the tail end' of a good dream.

it makes sleeping a lot more fun. it isn't something i dread anymore. if i can't fall asleep immediately i used to panic and find a drug to knock me out. i've since stopped taking anything that knocks me out (yes, i weaned myself off the seroquel with DocRev's guidance), and i have more fun sleeping than i used to and wake up feeling much less like an extra in a George Romero flick.

i have tenative plans to go over to R's mom's place for dinner tonight. something about mexican food, once that is mentioned i don't ask a whole lot of questions, i just say "yes, please".

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