Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

this feels weird

i'm looking forward to R coming home so we can hang out. i can't believe they are moving soon. finally cool neighbors and they aren't staying. but there is now and now is really cool. it's nice to have casual friends. things inside of me are definitely changing.

i went up to get the mail and forgot my sweater so it was really cold and i took the short way. i wonder if R still wants to walk at night. she has a dog we can walk with.

oh, speaking of that i'm going to (when i can affor a comfortable harness for him) teach hank to walk on a leash so i can take him for walks around the complex. he needs to lose weight, i've been a bad pet owner. 2006 will be different for old Droopy Belly.

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