Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

waiting for the rain

a couple things you don't hear in vegas: 'heat index' and 'humidity' . . . except when there is a former tropical storm heading up toward us.

we depend upon storms from the california coast. that is the way the wind usually goes. but there are mountains between here and there and the mountains have an ugly habit of tearing apart storms before precipitation can get to us. this storm is coming from the south east, no mountains. the news is doing all sorts of flood preparations stuff, we even have "stations" around the valley with sand bags, funky funnels to fill them, and sand, all you have to do is fill the bags. that is pretty cool.

what is also cool is that with this heinous heat, the thunder and lightning is going to be fantastic.

in going through and archiving pictures, i realized i have about a hundred of here when it is raining. the ground, rocks, and plants change color in the rain, i am fascinated by this.

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