leeloo dallas multicat enjoys her naps more than anyone i know
eris, gwyll and the dane have seen my studio nee dining room and may notice a change. stacked boxes and dust bunnie covered crates stuffed full of random things have given way to a workable filing system and storage unit. certainly not finished, but far more inhabitable. tomorrow i'll finish it. by tomorrow night i sould be able to sit down at the table and work.
which is good because i found all of my suncatcher templates, and S delivered a stack of promotional CDs he'd trash picked. i can actually build up a stock of them. and i've finally found every last stash of the odd plastic beads i rarely used before these things.
and the components of the beaded curtain project are all together in a milk crate. so when i choose to sit down and finish it, it is all ready. it may actually get finished now. because of the flatware, lids, keys, glass marble beads and other found small metal items, it will be an art piece rather than a functional curtain. it will be a bit sharp and unpredictable. but it will rock.
i feel so much peace. it gets easier with each large bag i fill of stuff i'll never see again.
i've been taking copious notes during this, noting where things go and what i can use them for that had been forgotten.