Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers


i got up to do some vacuuming
took down the old shelves . . .

wait, i'm getting ahead of myself.

i go to vacuum, and come back into my room
and the cable is off and the modem is
blinking its angry blink

and i think, fuck, the tv is the only thing that links me to reality
what a weekend for this to happen
and my throat starts to tighten
and i go into the studio and
take down the old shef contruction
wipe it clean
and put it back together
i still have to fill it and sort the contents of
what looks like five boxes, though one may be nearly empty

i come into my room and hear voices
the stereo is on, broadcasting the tv
no more cable outage!
i figured we just hadn't paid it
any time we pay a bunch of bills at once
one always gets forgotten.

at least it isn't the power

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